Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello from Bubba

Hey there folks. They call me Bubba. Yes, when you think of the name Bubba...that's me. Overweight with a long piece of hay grass stickin 'tween my teeth. Overalls....the works. I may be an uneducated hick with brains that would make a zombie starve, but I do fancy myself as some what of a some writer...a song writer. I write about love and loss mostly...every once inna while I'll write one about mama, but lately I've been writin about gettin over this last little heffer I was with...ok ok ok...I ain't never wrote a song in my life, but I DO have a lot of good ideas for songs. I was in the shower the other day and I was thinking about that heffer...well, I noticed that my ball hair had gotten very very long and thought "Damn, I don't shave my balls for you anymore." Wow...you never know when inspiration will hit you...So, I got that chorus line/title and a few ideas for versus but no real song...I really want to capture the love I had for this woman...Ya know, somehow show the correlation of the love I gave her and the forestlike thickness of my sack bush. Maybe there is a metaphor in the shaving itself...hmmm...ball hair is meant to keep your nuts warm....she was trying to ice my nuts! That's why I would do everything she told me to! Fuckin bitches...foiled again! Ah well...The only reason I like to keep them shaved is because I hate when your getting a blow job and the girl stops to pick a hair...there ain't nothin sexy about that...Other than thinkin about writin a song, ther ain't much to do out here but read...I go to the library a lot and surf the internet on the public 'puter. I went into town the other day and had a beer. I talked to a few nice folks. It seems that I am not as dumb as I thought...Well...I ain't never had no schoolin but I understand things pret well good. You may see me 'round...Say hi and give me a hug...balls.