Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hello from Jimbo

Ok Ok OK. I can't believe this shit is happening to me. I'm 45 years old. All the kids are grown up. I'm rich bitch. I got all kinds of money, and I still can't get laid...fuck. I'm a pretty good lookin guy too. Nice personality blah blah blah. Let me give you a little history. In the 80's if you licked pussy, you were a special kinda guy. If one girl told another girl you went down,'d be eatin down at the y every damn day. By the time the nineties rolled around, everyone was goin became a given, so we had to come up with something different...I was the first to shave my balls. Yes, I was a trendsetter. Let me tell you it was worth it. Blowjob incidences increased tenfold by 1995...then the dark times...ten years of marriage...its best not to talk about those times...2005 free at last and what do i find? Every freakin woman in the world shaves their bush. This almost made me start believing in God again. Aside from the fact that I love a smooth pussy riding across my nose, the threat of crabs has pretty much gone by the wayside...Unless, your were banging a buncha hippies or the ever popular cougar. Now its 2022 and what is the new thing? The taint...that's right...the spot between your balls and asshole...or on a woman...the skin between the two holes...I thought "Great! I'm already a good ball shaver, this'll be great!" Unfortunately I did not take into account one vasectomy scar...I never noticed it before and neither did anyone else for that matter, but with all this new emphasis on the taint...someone was bound to would think that havin a vasectomy would increase your chances of getting laid, but not in this socioeconomic climate. I think I may get a piercing right through the scar to make it less noticeable...maybe I can start a new trend...anyone that I can convince to get a vasectomy either a) has already contributed their genes to the populace and do not want to further pollute our people or b) are just the type of people we..and by we I really mean I...would not want to reproduce anyways. or maybe I'll just wait for the next trend to roll around...

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